The evolution of consciousness is through conscious evolution.

Welcome to The School of Ambrosial Animals

A Spiritual Development Program for Conscious Leaders

(Our Manifesto!)

The School of Ambrosial Animals is…

A 12-month initiation for Conscious Leaders ready to step into their missions more powerfully,

 because each of us contains natural gifts and spiritual abilities… Your “Superpowers.”

When you activate Your Superpowers,

you empower your soul.

You consciously support The Evolution of Consciousness.

You fulfill the mission you came here for.

Do you Ever:


Hold back trusting yourself and your full expression of your purpose?


Get burned out from holding projects and visions, (even though you love them?)


Sense you have hidden gifts and unseen support you would love to connect with?


Feel stress about the hardships of the world and how much suffering there is?

These are Real Challenges

many Conscious Leaders Face…

BUT, You can unlock your superpowers &

create your visions with more flow

So, Are YOU

an Ambrosial Animal?

 In Ancient Greek mythology, Ambrosia was the Nectar of the Gods.

Ambrosial represents our Divine Qualities.

Animals represents our Connection with Earth.

To be an Ambrosial Animal is to be committed to both the wisdom of the Heavens and Earth.

This happens when we inhabit our Heart, which is the bridge.

With this integration, we can remember and be anything.

This is our path forward. This is why we live.


(You are an Ambrosial Animal if you choose to Remember!)

On this journey,

you will:

•  Join a tribe committed to

similar visions &  growth as you

•  Receive deep support as you rise

into your fullest potential

•  Access new tools & essential

technologies for your mission

•  Break through fears you have

of creating a massive impact

•  Deepen your spiritual connection

while doing your soul’s work

Your Program includes Four Retreats

Curriculum Overview

December 2021: Winter Solstice

Theme: Align Superpowers

so that you have a solid foundation to cultivate deeper gifts

  • Sovereignty

  • Vibration

  • Trust

  • Boundaries

  • Celebration

March 2022: Spring Equinox

Theme: Root Superpowers

so that you can avoid burnout as you fulfill your mission

  • Healing

  • Letting Go

  • Invisibility

  • Teleportation

  • Teaming Up

June 2022: Summer Solstice

Theme: Rise Superpowers

so that you can support others and the earth through your work

  • Intuition

  • Telepathy

  • Visibility

  • Code Activation

  • Alchemy

September 2022: Fall Equinox

Theme: Flow Superpowers 

so that you can create your visions with ease and clarity


  • Precision

  • Invulnerability

  • Time Bending

  • Shapeshifting

  • Remote Viewing

Life is waiting for you to fully embody your power.

Join Today to Activate Your Gifts!



Your Program includes Four Retreats

Curriculum Overview

December 2021: Winter Solstice

Theme: Align Superpowers

so that you have a solid foundation to cultivate deeper gifts







March 2022: SPRING Equinox

Theme: Root Superpowers

so that you can avoid burnout as you fulfill your mission


Chi Freeing



teaming up


June 2022: Summer Solstice

Theme: Rise Superpowers

so that you can support others and the earth through your work




Code Activation



September 2022: Fall Equinox

Theme: Flow Superpowers

so that you can create your visions with ease and clarity



Time Bending


Remote Viewing


Life is waiting for you to fully embody your power.

Join Today to Activate Your Gifts!




Your Program Includes:

  • Four Intimate Group Retreats: at a sacred location in pristine Northern Michigan

  • Monthly Group Calls: 90 minutes each month to integrate the retreat teachings

  • Bonus! Two Online Courses with Aria: including Opportunities for Play and Rituals

  • Optional – Four Post-Retreat Integration Calls: 90 minutes of 1-1 time with Aria following each retreat, at the absolute lowest rate of $315 / session

Program Tuition: 12 payments of $555

Yes! Limited scholarships are available, for those who are an excellent fit.

Meet Your Guide

Aria Mae

Coach, Facilitator, Healer

Aria is an expert in transforming the lives of Conscious Leaders through Spiritually Integrated Coaching. She gets to the root of blocks, so that one’s deepest life purpose can be experienced with serendipity and flow. Her clients include founders, authors, TED speakers, scientists, and creatives who believe together we can create a world where all life is honored. Gifted in activating the hearts and superpowers of others, Aria offers transformation with a surprising amount of playfulness.

“Due to dire conditions on this planet, soul work has become a privilege,
and therefore a responsibility for those of us who have the time and means to do it…
everything we do for our soul supports all souls and this earth.
In other words, soul work is a form of activism.”


Sera Beak

Remember Who You Are

A message from Aria


Meet Your Guide

Aria Mae

Coach, Facilitator, Healer

Aria is an expert in transforming the lives and livelihoods of compassionate leaders. She gets to the root of blocks, so that one’s deepest life purpose can be experienced with serendipity and flow. Her clients include founders, authors, TED speakers, scientists, and creatives who believe together we can create a world where all life is honored. Gifted in activating the hearts and superpowers of others, Aria offers transformation with a surprising amount of playfulness.


Praise for The School of Ambrosial Animals

“I am grateful for this program in giving me a deeper connection with myself, learning new abilities that I didn’t know I was capable of, and supporting me in my growth as I have gone through a very turbulent time.”


“The School of Ambrosial Animals has opened me up in many unexpected ways. I feel more connected to Mother Earth and the bigger plan. It has allowed me to take a deeper dive into my spirituality with other humans who are on the same path. I have learned so much.”


“The level of connection we experienced as a group and individually is so profound. I feel up-leveled, with so many tangible shifts.”


“Aria is a true healer and guide devoted to her life’s work with deep integrity.”


“I remembered my power and activated it within myself.”


“This school has been the education I always wanted, but could never find inside the conventional system. It has been a place for deep healing, transformation, and stepping into a much more abundant life of service.”


Aria’s guidance has helped me foster tremendous breakthroughs and rapid personal and professional growth and actualization. It’s fun and exciting!


“Ambrosial Animals helped me level up on my spiritual journey and self-inquiry for development and deep growth. A perfect blend between trauma healing and finding the YES within me!”


“The School of Ambrosial Animals met me exactly where I’m at while pushing my edges with love, tenderness, and care.”


Inspired by these Incredible Leaders?

Ambrosial Animals is for you if…

#1. You are a “Conscious Leader”…

meaning, you care about making a positive impact in the world

#2. You have done healing & personal development work…

and are ready for Spiritual Expansion work

#3. You already stop and smell the flowers…

and you want  to increase present moment experiences!

#4. You enjoy experiential learning playgrounds…

and thrive in community

This is NOT for you, (YET), if…

#1. You don’t desire to focus on your Leadership

or impact in the world

#2. You are looking for a therapeutic group space for

personal healing (private work with Aria is better for this)

#3. You aren’t already exploring mindfulness and

spirituality practices

#4. You prefer learning with books and homework,

and aren’t so sure about group experiences

Answers to Your QUESTIONS

What do you mean by "spiritual development"?

Ambrosial Animals practices a respect of Spiritual Sovereignty – meaning everyone’s perspective is honored. Previous groups have had members who practice all major, and many minor, world religious paths, as well as atheism.

The Spiritual part of the program shows up as metaphorical doorways that you can choose to explore in your own connection with the Divine, whatever that means for you. An acknowledgement of your Spiritual nature is woven throughout the content, as a playground you get to immerse with.

How much time each month is this commitment?

To receive the most from this experience please plan on 1.5 hours of focused time every month for the live group calls. The four retreat months are a 3 day commitment, plus travel. It’s best to be completely offline for the retreats, so let work and family know you will be away from technology.

Other than these group events, you are encouraged to practice your superpowers as you live your life, learning to integrate them so that they help you do what you already do with more ease.

What are the dates for this program?

This semester runs for 12 months, from December 2021 through November 2022.

The Retreat Dates are: 

December 16th – 18th, 2021

March 17th – 19th, 2022

 June 23rd – 25th, 2022

 September 22nd- 24th, 2022

 (Retreats begin at 10am on Thursdays and end by 12pm on Saturdays.)


The Group Call times are the first Tuesday of each month beginning December 2021: 

9am – 10:30am PST / 12am – 1:30pm EST


What if I have to miss one of the live calls?

If you’re unable to make any call, they will be recorded and uploaded for you to watch as soon as you can. You’ll have access to the content forever and can continue to return to the material whenever you wish. 


Do you offer Refunds?

 Due to the nature of this program, no refunds are offered after your payments have been made. Your full-body “YES” is requested to show up to this experience, including if you need to have a conversation with Aria about doubts or financial concerns.

Will the financial investment be worth it?

Definitely. Your growth is my goal – I care deeply for your mission. I do not promise you will have specific outcomes, (simply because the path to tangible goals can sometimes be winding) – but I do guarantee I can support you moving farther down the path towards your goals. Many former clients and Ambrosial Animals attest to the value of this work.

Can I be guaranteed privacy and confidentiality?

We make every effort to allow your participation in this experience to be private to you and your cohort. Group agreements that include confidentiality are a part of our foundation, and online spaces are private.

How can this help my organization / project / legacy for change?

The School of Ambrosial Animals is for all Conscious Leaders, no matter where they are in their leadership journey.

For those who are just beginning, this program will lay a solid foundation from which to blossom.

For those who already identify as masterful leaders, this program will add another dimension with more depth to what you hold.


Do you really make leadership development as easy & fun as it seems?

Absolutely – that is precisely what we do! There is enough hardship, stress, and uncertainty in the world. The Ambrosial Animals community embraces all the challenges we are in with the most simple pathways to empowerment. Rememberance can be inclusive of all of our Humanness – the frustration, the impact, the laughter, and beyond.


Join to Reclaim Your Superpowers.

Join to Shine Your Light.